During SaltMech XI in Santa Fe, we will take and collect photos from what we believe will be an exciting conference. Those photos will be collected here. For now, enjoy a brief photo impression of the SaltMech X conference in Utrecht in 2022!.
All the papers will be collected in the SaltMech XI conference proceedings, and we plan to have them available via Open Access as we did for SaltMech X. This would not be possible without the contributions of our sponsors.

We kicked off the conference with an opening of the Dean of Geosciences, Prof. Dr. Wilco Hazeleger.
Immediately after we dove into the science with the first talks on microstructures and microphysical processes. Many interesting talks were given throughout the entire conference, including by our Early Career Scientists, who clearly demonstrated they will be the future of our salt community. As long as we don’t forget to measure our grain sizes..!

The breaks were filled with interesting VR demos of salt caverns, poster discussions and visits to the Sponsor Market.

Of course, there was also time for some relaxation. Day one was concluded by a social event at our on-campus partner TNO. And no conference is complete without a special dinner! Those who attended were treated to a tour of the Amsterdam Ij on a authentic paddle boat, the Captain Anna. We went all the way to the artificial sea fort island Pampus, while enjoying delicious Greek and Grand Dessert buffets (and more science, of course).